United Federation LEOS-PBA
ARCO Tower 1055 West 7th Street, 33rd Floor (Penthouse) Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel: 213-205-1855
griev·ance | \ ˈgrē-vən(t)s \
Definition of grievance
1: a cause of distress (such as an unsatisfactory working condition) felt to afford reason for complaint or resistance.
What is a Grievance?
A grievance is a formal complaint that is raised by an employee towards an employer in the workplace. There are many reasons as to why a grievance can be raised, and also many ways to go about dealing with such a scenario. Reasons for filing a grievance in the workplace can be as a result of, but not limited to, a breach of the terms and conditions of an employment contract, raises and promotions, or lack thereof, as well as harassment and employment discrimination.
A grievance between an employee and employer can be dealt with either informally or formally, and sometimes both approaches are taken in search of a resolution. In the informal approach, an employee can informally bring forth a concern promptly to his or her employer. Here a discussion or similar between the two parties can result in a mutually agreed upon resolution. In the case that this step fails or is skipped altogether, a grievance can be raised formally, where formal meetings and options for appeals become available.
Workplaces that have union representation often file a grievance with an employer on behalf of an individual employees request